Tuesday, October 2, 2018

CBS PortableToilet Site

Unfortunately, a user manual is no miracle weapon when it comes to toilet issues, We often encounter problems in our daily lives, which causes us to sore our fingers in the instructions for use. For example, how can I properly transport my mobile toilet, how to ideally dispose of it, optimal care, or how? I protect you from wind and weather. Disposal of the chemical toilet, the golden "3-day rule". Many camper interested in the purchase of a chemical toilet especially one thing, how and how often must the device be emptied? One thing is clear every camper has completely different needs and manners and in the end always wins the personal experience. The emptying frequency depends among other things on the temperature, the frequency of use, the type of use, as well as the placement of the toilet (indoor or outdoor). We recommend emptying at least every three days, with several people even every two days. Accordingly, however, the dosage of the chemistry should be adjusted! If the tank is always half empty, only half the amount of chemicals should be used.

The benefits of regular emptying before the limit are:

The tank is not that heavy and can be disposed of more easily.
Bad air circulation and heat create a breeding ground for germs over long periods of time. Disinfect, disintegrate, pump, rinse, dispose of, clean and co.,

We explain everything you need to know about the functionality of a modern chemical toilet.

The world of mobile toilets:

Basically, 4 mobile toilets can be differentiated, the cassette toilets, Solid tank toilets, vacuum toilets, Dry toilets / composting toilets.
Dry toilets

Work by composting the fecal matter by mixing it with humus, bark mulch or
peat (source). The disadvantage, To achieve complete fermentation,
sufficient oxygen must be added to the mixture. It must therefore be
moved vigorously, resulting in close human contact In the vernacular,
many of these toilets certainly know as "dumpsters". They are usually
only for outdoor use.

Vacuum toilets

Convey the human excrement by vacuum and a suction effect in a tank. They are
more user-friendly, but require large amounts of electricity, which usually overload
RV batteries. They are supported by so-called "chopper systems" and come in for
example Aircraft are used.

Chemical cassette and solid fuel toilets

Probably the most popular portable toilets. No wonder you do not need a sewer,
electricity or water connection. Well maintained keeps the whole life.

Regular cleaning prevents long-term contamination. A chemical toilet can happily
accompany you all your life - as long as you treat it well! Protection against foreign
bodies. The most important thing, the toilet housing must not come into contact
with "foreign" materials such as small stones, sand, earth, etc., as they cause
friction and thus accelerate wear. Incidentally, aggressive chemicals are also
"foreign bodies"!


Above all, the sealing ring of the slider device should be taken out regularly,
washed, dried and then greased. Even without removing it, for example, it
can be sprayed with silicone or Teflon sprays. But even better and gentler
for material and human is the lubrication with olive oil.

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